Identity Theft
With a breach in security in several data basis including the IRS; identity theft is on the rise. A common scam is for a thief to file tax returns using your name and social security to get at a refund. If you find you are the victim of identity theft, here is what you should do immediately.
1. Contact the IRS:
For individual – wage earners 800-829-0922
For individual – Self Employed/Business owners 800-829-8374
For additional information you may read the following. The important contacts are listed below.
Publication 4535 Identity Theft Prevention and Victim Assistance
2. Contact the Connecticut Department of Revenue:
SIS unit – special investigation 855-842-1441
3. File Form 14039 Identity Theft Affidavit with the IRS.
This form can be found by typing the form number in the search box when on any IRS web page.
4. Contact the Credit Reporting Agencies. By contacting any one of the following you may place a 90 day fraud alert. You only need to contact one of the agencies and they will shared the alert with the other two agencies. You may call or file a fraud alert on-line.
*Equifax 1800 525-6285
*Experian 1888 397-3742
*Transunion 1800 680-8289
5. Contact your Bank
6. Contact Federal Trade Commissions to file a report.
7. Contact your state Attorney General to file a report.
8. Contact your local police to file a report.
9. Contact Social Security Administration.
10. Monitor charges on your credit cards.
Most credit card companies allow you to set up notifications for transactions over a specified amount or when your available credit drops to a specified amount.
For victims of identity theft who have previously been in contact with the IRS and have not achieved a resolution, please contact IRS Protection Specialization Unit at 800-908-4490.
If you receive an e-mail claiming to be from the IRS, remember the IRS does NOT initiate contact with taxpayers by email to request personal or financial information. This includes text messages and social media channels.